5 to 1 is a dystopian novel set in future India. The story is set in the country of Koyanagar which was created fifty-four years ago. At that time India was overpopulated, its land polluted and its people starving and impoverished. When a new prime minister was elected he set in place restrictions on family size with accompanying fines to those who did not limit the size of their families to one child. However Indian culture is such that if couples could have only one child, that child would have to be male since males were the ones to inherit land, carry the family name and initiate at funeral rites.
Using ultrasounds, parents determined the sex of their unborn baby and aborted the child if it was a girl. Others simply abandoned baby girls in parks or killed them in buckets of water. Thirty years later "...the country found itself with more than six boys to every girl of marriageable age." Unable to find wives, girls were sold, stolen or raped. The boys who were unable to marry, turned to violence.
The women of Koyanagar, tired of the violence, met with the prime minister who remained unmoved by their concerns. He told then to return to their city, challenging them if they could do a better job. They decided they could. They had the men and boys of their city build a wall enclosing it and the surrounding villages, isolating them from the rest of the country. They abolished the one-child laws, protected the lives of girls and banned the technology that made it possible to determine the sex of unborn babies. On December 31, 2041, the gates of Koyanagar were sealed shut and boys were set upon the walls to guard them.
To prevent bidding wars for marriage, the new government started "the Tests" which would allow every girl to get the best possible husband while giving every boy a chance at marriage. The Tests run over three days and encompass many different aspects. The public is able to attend the Tests but for those who cannot, they are broadcast over radio. The winner gets a wife and future that is secure, especially if he gives his wife a daughter. The losers are sent to an assignment center where their families can bribe officials to "find" a good job for them. They will never marry or know what it is like to be a husband or a father. Poor boys can expect much worse -they are assigned to guard the walls enclosing Koyanagar.
The novel opens with Sudasa about to partake in the Tests. There are over three thousand boys eligible for the Tests and for a chance to marry one of the two hundred girls who are seventeen. She is one of eight girls who are undergoing the Test over the next three days. There are twenty five Tests each year. Each girl will be married at seventeen to a boy who is but a number until his marriage. At her Test in the theatre, Sudasa, seated in a gold trimmed box between her Mummy and Nani, must choose between five young men. Behind her sits her older sister, Surina, who was married two years ago and her friend, Asha, who underwent the Test two weeks ago, along with Mommy and Papa.
For Sudasa's Test there are five boys; Contestant One in a navy kurta, Contestants Two and Three who are in orange and yellow, Contestant Four who is in a green kurta and finally Contestant Five in a red kurta who has raven hair. Contestant Five is only two weeks from his eighteenth birthday.
Her Nani points out the boy in the blue kurta as the one who will give her girls but Sudasa quickly recognizes him as her cousin.
"That's when I know;
when I'm sure.
He's not like
my cousin.
He is
my cousin."
Sudasa knows that this is not coincidence as there are too many boys for the small number of girls for her cousin to have been placed randomly in her Test. Sudasa wants to run away but she knows that this is impossible, that she will never be able to escape over the wall. Sudasa now realizes this is why her Nani tried to include her cousin in all the activities she undertook; sitar lessons, riding, pottery, poetry and painting. She believes that her marriage to her cousin would settle a long standing debt between her Nani and Nani's older sister, Mota Masi. After Nani's husband died from alcoholism, Mota Masi helped get her Nani and her mother off the street and brought them to the city. Mota Masi introduced Mummy to her father, a wealthy man. So Nani, who is in charge of the Registry, is trying to work around the Tests and rig them so that Mota Masi's grandson will marry Sudasa. Sudasa believes she is in charge of choosing the boy she wants to marry and she doesn't want to do what Nani wants.
For Contestant Five, the other main character in the novel, we learn that he has no intention of winning the Test and marrying Sudasa. Five must follow Appa's plan so he can Amma who left when he was five and just before the gates of Koyanagar were closed. Five knows that the President of Koyanagar is not being completely honest with the people because not everyone got rid of their baby girls. Appa's family hid their girls when the officials came to check on the family size and the rich merely paid the fines for extra children. The President tells these lies because she wants the people to believe they have no choice but to obey. Contestant Five just needs to follow Appa's plan which will allow him to search for Amma, who left before they closed the gates. However, what he really wants is to stand up and confront the leaders and encourage the people to take back control of their lives.
The first Test consists of twenty questions which the contestants must press a buzzer to answer. In the middle of the questions, Sudasa's cousin accuses Contestant Five of helping Contestant Four who is very young. But Five insists there is no rule against this which is confirmed. Her cousin continues to answer the questions correctly much to Sudasa's horror. To prove he cannot win all the answers, she lies on the last question so his answer is wrong. Sudasa gives one rock representing third place to Five, two rocks representing second place to the fourth boy and five rocks to her cousin for first place.
Sudasa begins to realize that she is not in charge in the Test and that the Tests are not fair. She tells her Nani that she knows what she is trying to do, however Nani threatens her by reminding her about what happened to Surina. Like Sudasa, Five also recognizes that the Test is not fair, despite the fact that they are supposed to prevent the rich from having an advantage and to provide an equal playing field for all. Five believes that the girl gave him the rock because she had to and that she is pretends she is following the rules because she's made her decision about who she will marry. Five has not followed his Appa's plan which was to stay silent during the first round. He couldn't stand the arrogant First Contestant and he acknowledges to himself that the girl seemed uncomfortable with the Test.
The second Test is a physical one involving a game of football or soccer. Sudasa's cousin shows up with cleats, shin pads and striped socks indicating he knew what the game was going to be. However the game is not a friendly one as Sudasa's cousin scores numerous goals and injures another contestant. Five steps in and easily outplays Sudasa's cousin, causing him to show his true character in a display of poor sportsmanship. He also flattens Sudasa's cousin leading him to accuse Five of tripping him. This causes a great commotion between Sudasa and her Nani when Sudasa jumps up to encourage Five. At the end of the second Test Sudasa gives the Third Contestant a single rock, two rocks to Contestant Four who broke his leg in the game. But when Sudasa tries to give Five her five rocks, he tells her to play the game according to plan and she awards the five first place rocks to her cousin.
As the Testing comes down to the final event, Sudasa learns the truth about Koyanagar from her sister, Surina. She also comes to realize that although her Test is rigged she may have other options than choosing her cousin. Is she brave enough to consider a different future for herself or must she live up to her name of Sudasa meaning "obedient"?
5 to 1 is a story as unique as its beautiful cover of a bridal Mehndi design showing the bride and groom on a pair of hands. 5 to 1 is set in future India in the year 2054. Indian society has been so distorted by skewed boy:girl ratios, that the resulting unrest has caused a part of the country to secede and form its own nation called Koyanagar. In Koyanagar, women rule and girls are the preferred sex. They implement a series of Tests that a group of men must undergo for each marriageable girl. On the surface the Tests seem fair but as the two major characters of the novel, seventeen year olds, Sudasa and Kiran Pillai soon discover they are not. In the process of undergoing these tests, the two characters learn the truth about their new nation and in particular Sudasa uncovers a few family secrets.
This novel tackles the issue of gendercide - the deliberate killing of girls in India, leading to an imbalance in the number of boys to girls. The problem of a skewed ratio of boys to girls is very much the reality in present-day India. The most recent information from the 2011 Indian census shows that the sex ratios are worsening in the vast majority of the thirty-five states that make up India. The ratios are worst in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. According to 2015 data, there are 114 boys to every 100 girls in the state of Haryana. The normal ratio is 105 boys to every 100 girls. The proliferation of cheap and easy to access ultrasound clinics, despite the procedure for determining the sex of the unborn baby being illegal, is a major problem.
Analysis of the worsening sex ratio trend shows that there are two factors at play; a strong cultural bias and a weaker economic one. Interestingly enough, the most skewed sex ratios are among wealthy Indians where sexist attitudes towards daughters and a preference for sons are strong. Already the skewed sex ratios are having an impact on society in India. The "missing girls" of this generation have now become the "missing brides" leading many young men unable find wives, a phenomena known as "marriage squeeze". Women are kidnapped, bought or traded from other areas of India and other countries. As the number of unmarried men rises and the queue of men looking for brides swells, so has crime and violence. The scenario that forms the backstory in 5 to 1 is not unrealistic by any means. Bodger has merely inflated the sex ratio but the social conditions she describes are already occurring not only in India but also in China and to a lesser degree in Pakistan as well. Gendercide is a cultural practice rather than one restricted to religion.
In the novel, 5 to 1, the state of Koyanagar has attempted to fix the problems gendercide has caused by isolating themselves from the rest of India, removing the technology that allows for sex determination, and instituting a set of supposedly fair tests that allow girls to choose their husband while giving most boys a chance to marry. However, it quickly becomes apparent that the problem continues to exist, except in reverse. This is because the new state has not tackled the prejudices and cultural practices that prefer one sex over another. Instead they have instituted new practices that create new prejudices.
Bodger tells her story through the narratives of Sudasa and Contestant Five whose name is revealed to be Kiran later in the novel. Sudasa's narrative is written in free verse, while Kiran's is in prose. As the narratives switch back and forth, they are identified not only by a difference in form but also by the Mehndi henna drawings at the side of the page. Both characters come from completely different parts of society. Sudasa, as a girl is rich and privileged, her Nani a leader in the new country, while Kiran is a poor boy with dark skin from a fishing village. Boys are only taught things that are useful to serve the women of Koyanagar.
Initially Contestant Five has a preconceived idea of what Sudasa is like. He views Sudasa as the "honorable girl" who he believes is "up there with her family, examining us boys as if we're mangoes laid out on a brass platter." "These girls don't care how we look. They're here to choose the best slave. Might as well get a dog. Something that knows how to heel and obey." He even refers to her as a "spoiled girl in a velvet box". After the first Test, Kiran acknowledges that the girl is different from what he expected. "...her hair was in a plain braid down her back and she didn't prance like she was a queen of the place....She just didn't seem comfortable."
Both Sudasa and Contestant Five feel trapped by their circumstances. Their new state was supposed to offer freedom and choice but it offers neither. For Sudasa, marriage is being forced on her at seventeen and although the Test is supposed to give her a choice, it is an illusion. Sudasa
"must wear a gold sari. must march down the aisle. must marry at seventeen....must wed a stranger."Kiran too feels trapped. At the Test he states, "For now, my only choice is to change into the red kurta the guards tossed at my fee and then sit in the chair they left for me." He knows that if he fails, he has no choice but to be sent to guard the wall around Koyanagar. "In these tests, they lose as well. Lose freedom. Lose choice. Lose life."
Sudasa quickly discovers that the tests have not solved the problems of gender discrimination nor even of gendercide. First she discovers that her test has been rigged by Nani in favour of her cousin who should not have been included as a prospective husband. The test doesn't really offer Sudasa a choice in who she marries because she is expected to marry her cousin to repay a longstanding debt to Nani. It's obvious that he has been given information to help him pass each test, thereby taking away Sudasa's ability to freely choose.
Further, Sudasa learns from her older sister Surina, who mistakenly chose a poor boy instead of the boy she loved, the reality of life in Koyanagar. Now pregnant, Surina is determined she will not give birth to a baby boy. She explains to Sudasa that with money anything is possible, and Nani has money. One can still get an ultrasound and an abortion. And she intimates to Sudasa that this is not the first time this has happened either for herself or in Koyanagar. Surina reveals,
"It's still happening
to the unwanted.
The only difference is
they're no longer girls."
"Instead of fixing things,
of making changes,
of making improvements,
all they've done
has been to break them
in reverse."
Outside of Koyanagar it may be baby girls who are killed, but inside it is baby boys. This discovery has a profound effect on Sudasa, turning her against Nani and leading her to begin making her own choices in spite of Nani's threats. Koyanagar is not what she thought it was and it is not solving the problems from the past. Sudasa would be sacrificing her happiness for a cause that is wrong.
Confused after the third test, Sudasa seeks counsel with her best friend Asha, who two weeks earlier completed her tests. Asha is in love with another boy but he was not included in her tests. Determined not to marry a boy she doesn't love, Asha tells Sudasa she has another choice and reveals that she is planning to flee Koyanagar disguised as a boy. This revelation is shocking to Sudasa but offers her the possibility of another choice.
Asha also tells Sudasa that the wall around Koyanagar is rubble and that the flow of people across the wall is out of their city. The boys are escaping and this is the reason for having to constantly replace the boys guarding the wall.
"The wall's a bunch of rocks,
and the people on the other side are
sharks nor fools
like us."
Asha tells Sudasa that she cannot be certain that life is better on the outside but that at least she will have chosen that life.
The focus of the novel quickly becomes the intense internal conflict the two major characters experience. Once Sudasa understands that her Test is fixed, it becomes not a choice but one of coercion. It quickly becomes apparent that her cousin is not a good prospect for a husband. Yet when she wants to choose Contestant Five, she learns that he wants to lose so he can leave Koyanagar to find his Amma who fled before the gates closed. Sudasa begs Contestant Five to let her choose him but he tells her he won't be forced to be a husband and that he wants a life, a job and a wife that he chooses. He begs Sudasa revealing that he must leave before the Choosing Ceremony so he can escape to find his mother, Veera Pillai. Sudasa promises to help him. Not wishing to trap him, Sudasa acts in a way that gives them both a chance to choose their own life.
Contestant Five/Kiran is desperate to stick to the plan his Appa has devised but this means rejecting Sudasa's offer to help him if she chooses him. He realizes that Sudasa doesn't want to marry Contestant One and this causes him considerable distress. "I couldn't ignore her tears and the way she looked so desperate to get away from him...I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I forced her into his clutches. But what else can I do? I have to stick to the plan. Appa said the only way for me to escape unnoticed is if I do it while everyone is distracted during the Choosing Ceremony." However, he wonders if he goes through with their plan and escapes, "What if I go through my whole life wondering what happened to her?....No. She is not my responsibility. I must forget her. I must focus on my new life outside of Koyanagar." Contestant Five's conflict is even greater when he learns from Sudasa's father, the famous cricket player, the Mighty Bala, that his Amma is dead. He sees how her cousin will treat Sudasa and frets. "I hold my head in my hands. But how can I leave Sudasa in a world like this? And worse, with a boy who will hurt her?" He decides for the final test to give Sudasa both hope and instructions for another choice.
5 to 1 is an interesting approach to a serious ethical problem that currently exists in the developing world, brought about by cultural practices and enabled by modern technology. Canadian author Holly Bodger is a long time resident of Ottawa, Ontario. 5 to 1 is her debut novel and a wonderful start for a promising Canadian writer. Readers are highly encouraged to check out her amazing website, hollybodger.com which has many links that will provide much detailed background information for this novel including The Laws of Koyanagar, information on the Girl Problem of India and China, as well as a teachers guide which discusses themes and offers readers the chance to explore the novel in a much deeper way.
Book Details:
5 to 1 by Holly Bodger
New York: Knopf, Borzoi Books 2015
244 pp.